Ayni Projects

We receive so much from the Q’ero and we are committed to keeping the one law of the Inka tradition, the law of AYNI or sacred reciprocity. Wiraqocha Foundation was founded in 1996 to maintain sacred reciprocity with the Q’ero when Elizabeth B. Jenkins wrote her first book THE RETURN OF THE INKA all about the Q’ero Nature Wisdom maintained from Inka times.
Since then WF has provided clean water spigots in each community as seen in the above photo, built Munay T’ika School in Charqapata, and funded numerous education and health projects since 1998. The Inka prophecies say the time of the Pachacuti (world transformation) will be upon us when the glaciers begin to disappear. Unfortunately, this also means global warming has affected the Q’ero Water supply.
In response, Wiraqocha Foundation has stepped in to build 3 enormous water reservoirs to supply the three villages of Hatun Q’eros that had no water.
How you can Help the Q'ero?
You can help the Q'eros in many ways, but donations are very important to us, this is how we grow as a community and make all our projects known to the world.

Over the pandemic WF has installed and maintained WiFi in 4 Q’ero Villages, and provided desks, printers and cell phones to each school, improved alpaca herds with the purchase of more than 100 high quality alpacas, sent 22,000 lbs of food relief to Q’eros, supplied emergency rescue equipment, Alpaca predator fencing, put warm waterproof jackets on all the children of Hatun Q’eros, created a Hatun Q’eros Cultural Center in Cusco which supports traditional weaving arts, purchased land to build a community center for the Q’ero Residents of Cusco, supported the annual Hatun Q’ero Anniversary, funded a traditional Vicuña gathering and shearing ceremony, and have hosted countless Q’ero Nature Wisdom seminars around the planet from 1994 to present day.
Currently, we are focused expanding the Q’ero Nature Wisdom tradition around the planet through our TEQSE MUYU PAQO YACHAY WASI or GLOBAL PAQO SCHOOL (GPS), and most seriously, on the imminent mining threat to Wamanlipa Mountain, the central sacred Apu of Hatun Q’eros. We are responding with a Sacred Travel project to help preserve and expand the Q’ero Wisdom tradition.

If you would like to donate to any of these initiatives or learn more, please go to