Book a Coca Divination
All Coca Leaf Divinations take place via zoom and in-person at our Cultural Center in Cusco, from 9am - 5pm Peruvian time. If you will visit Cusco you can book an in-person session at reservas@qerosculture.com. Please carefully check the time zone shown on the scheduling calendar as it may adjust to your time zone or show another time zone, so please look when you book.

Authentic Coca Leaf Divination. Coca Qaway or Divining Through The Mama Coca
The traditional path of a Q'ero Coca Qawaq (seer) requires extensive training and takes many years of practice. Authentically trained Coca Leaf Diviners will generally have years of active service as Paqos before receiving the Qawaq Karpay to choose the path of Coca Leaf Reader. After receiving several Karpays, they will practice for 5-7 years before ever reading the Mama Coca for others.
Coca Qaway or 'seeing through the Mama Coca' is how the Paqos read the Kawsay Pacha or 'living energy world' influences that are around you, to help determine your best course of action.
Please prepare 3 or 4 of your most important specific questions to ask the Mama Coca. The Paqos will generally read on your:
1) Health
2) Relationships
3) Economy/Work
In that order of priority.
- Laptop of desktop with good internet connection. Find a nice quiet place where you won't be interrupted and use your laptop or desktop, so that you can record your session. NO PHONES or TABLETS.
- As a lot of information comes through in your Coca Leaf reading and you will want to record to your device so that you can replay your session at will. Recording from Zoom works well on laptops--not phones or tablets.
- Prepare for your coca leaf reading with a cleansing, no more than 12 hours prior to your appointment time. You can do this by taking a cleansing bath in a fresh stream or spring, or in your bath tub, using cleansing herbs such as Rosemary, Lavendar, Rue, Sage, Cedar and epsom salts.
- Clear your mind and heart before formulating and preparing your questions, as thoughtful and specific questions receive the best answers. You will have a Quechua or Spanish to English translator.
For Coca Leaf Divinations you will have a translator, and your session will last about 45 minutes.