Global Paqo School


Papa Don Martin Q'espi Machacca pronounced at the Inauguration of GPS
in January of 2021

Papa Don Martin Q'espi Machacca, one of the last altomishayoq, is the Spiritual Head & Co-founder of the Global Paqo School

The goal of GPS is to recreate and transmit the traditional initiatory and training pathway of the Paqo in Q’eros, as accurately as possible, in hopes of preserving and expanding this Nature Wisdom Treasure of the Inkas across our planet. The impetus and coinciding goal at the time of our founding, was also to help our Master Paqo teachers and lifelong friends to put food on the table for their families in the midst of a global pandemic.

In this year-long advanced program we:
Engage DIRECTLY with Twelve Q’ero Elders. Drink from the source of these authentic Inka Nature Wisdom teachers. Join a worldwide community of like-hearted people. Learn ancient wisdom that leads you to true fulfillment and the making of a better world. --GPS FULL MOON Inauguration Ceremony January 12, 2025. First Trimester January 31 to April 27, Second Trimester, May 9- July 27 and Third Trimester, August 29 to November 16, 2025.

Feel the Love of Pachamama

Pachamama, the Loving Mother, can help you come into a deep knowing that you are a part of nature. That you are inherently worthy of love, peace, and harmony in all areas of your life.

In this school you will learn

Authentic Q'ero Protocols

The Q’ero have retained the purity of their cultural foundations in the face of Western encroachment; they still practice and teach the old ways of sacred exchange with Nature.

You will learn the four authentic protocols of the Q'ero Paqos:

1) WAHARIQUY - Power to Invoke
2) PHUKURIQUY - Gain Right to Receive
3) MAÑARIQUY - Make Successful Request
4) HAYWARIQUY - Authentic Structure of a Q'ero Offering (despacho)

True Q'ero Healing

Feel the infinite love of the most tender mother in the world - Pachamama. Learn the authentic and profound healing teachniques of the Q'ero Paqos.

1) PICHAY - Cleansing of your heavy energies
2) KALPACHAQUY - Empowerment with Nature Nectars
3) ANIMO WAHAY - Restoration of life force to the body that has been displaced due to trauma

The Q'ero Misha

Learn to create your Misha (mesa) the Q'ero "mother bundle" according to authentic Q'ero Practices by performing 12 Pilgrimages to your 12 Nature Allies that surround you where you live. Each pilgrimage actuates the re-sacralization of your home environment as you gain the right to access the power of Nature in order to heal yourself and your community.

Learn to become a true Paqo-defined by Papa Don Martin as "A Human Bridge to Nature."

How it Works

Rich Weekly Trainings, Led by the 12 Q’ero Paqos

For over 4 years, LIVE and on Zoom, the Q’ero have been passing on their wisdom teachings while Elizabeth Jenkins facilitates, and Fredy translates. You experience a rich and fertile environment where you and your Ayllu meet weekly to learn and grow.

– Weekly immersion in the energy fields & instruction from our Q’ero teachers and translators
– Learn from Elizabeth Jenkins’ deep personal experience and guidance
– Share and grow in the presence of your fellow students on the journey

*PLEASE NOTE: Space is limited and we tend to fill quickly for the next year. Enroll early to grab your seat in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

What's Included