Our Q’ero History

We maintain our own governing Inka laws and documents. Historically, our Q’ero Nation was always isolated from larger Inka population centers, to the point that our ancestors were likely unaware of the conquest of Cusco by the Spanish in 1532. Our unique homeland of Hatun Q’eros lies in the very heart of the Q’ero Nation at the confluence of two great forces of nature, the High Andes and the Amazon jungle, in the most inaccessible part of Q’eros where no roads connected us to the outside world until 2017. Our traditional lifestyle is so far removed from modernity that our children now graduating from University, have leapt 500 years in a single generation. While we are now modernizing, at the same time we have been able to preserve our traditions in an unbroken lineage from our ancestral Inka times. Our remote location, although challenging, has helped us to preserve our ancestral cultural and spiritual traditions in their most pristine form until today. We, the people of Hatun Q’eros, live in six villages called “annexes” surrounding a ceremonial center also called Hatun Q’eros.

All six of our villages gather together at a central location call Hatun Q'eros during ceremonial times, like our "Pukllay" celebration of the sacred feminine and masculine, thus fertility, held every February. In Q’eros Culture we are taught that Mother Nature is a wise, generous and loving parent who bestows all goodness upon us, her children. Our ancestors knew and taught us that all of Nature is alive, aware and can be spoken to. The mountains, rivers, lakes, stars, and waterfalls are our shepherds, with the wisdom and power to teach humanity how to interact with each other, how to live in harmony with the animals and plants, and how to evolve. Come learn with us, and together with Pachamama and the Apus we will walk toward a beautiful future.