Sacred Travel

From April to December travel to the Spiritual Sanctuary of HATUN Q'EROS!
This special travel program created by the Hatun Q’eros Cultural Center is an income producing alternative to toxic extractive gold and silver mining on the most sacred mountain of Q'eros, Apu Wamanlipa. We invite you to come and experience the true Inka Gold & Silver--the Nature Wisdom Treasure preserved by the Paqos of Hatun Q'eros. For more information contact

During this reign three Inka precepts were adhered to:

These precepts that powered the unprecedented political, social, and philosophical growth of the Inka Empire and created Machu Pikchu–one of the seven wonders of the world, are imprinted in the collective unconscious, the blood and bones, the physical and energetic bodies of the Q’ero people.

The Inka Empire was perhaps the ONLY empire in the history of civilization that had no poverty, no slavery, and a no-market economy. Can you imagine?

Pachakuteq and Mama Anawarqe were the ninth Inka Sacred Couple known as Sapa Inka and Sapa Qoya, rulers of the ancient Inka Empire from about 1438-1470. This Royal Couple established AYNI, sacred reciprocity, as the universal law, giving in order to gain the right to receive.

They were a symbol of transformation who, by perfecting their ancestral wisdom, expanded an organic society developed in harmony with Nature, from a tiny kingdom about 25 miles around Cusco city, into one of the largest subcontinental empires on earth.

They governed under Inka principals that provided emotional, psychological, and physical stability to the entire population of 12 million inhabitants.

This ancestral community enshrined in the heart of the Peruvian Andes, is known as Hatun Q’eros and belongs to the Q’ero Nation considered the LAST INKA AYLLU in Peru. The Q’ero are the lineal descendants of Inka Priests, the protectors and administrators of this sacred knowledge, social organization, and many ancestral healing arts so needed in today’s world.

The Hatun Q’eros Cultural Center has reserved a space for you to integrate yourself into all this cultural and spiritual wisdom at the trusted hands of our Q’ero Paqos, Andean Priests, who are the rightful keepers of this sacred lineage, unbroken from Inka times. The current leaders of this ancient Inka community choose to create Sacred Regenerative Tourism as an alternative to toxic extractive gold & silver mining, the designed goal of the current Peruvian Government.

We invite you to immerse yourself within the borders of the Spiritual Sanctuary of Hatun Q’eros, to experience traditional ceremony, music, dance, weaving, and healing. Most especially, we invite you to join the Q’ero vision to ‘return to the past to heal our present world’ and help safeguard this ancient Inka homeland.